Azino mobile ru

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The district has one of the three largest in the city and the latest among them the time construction (1990s) 'sleeping' area Azino (south-eastern part of the area), residential areas along the Siberian tract and Arskii fields Territories microdistricts Tankodrom, Adel Kutuy (in common parlance - Adelka), a large urban-type settlement Derbyshki and several other peripheral settlements, including included in the city of Kazan has recently (in 19) as well as several large industrial enterprises in industrial zones.

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The head of the district is Rustem Gafarov. Its area is 167 square kilometers (64 sq mi). It occupies the northeastern and eastern parts of Kazan, and is the most populous district of the city. Sovetsky City District ( Russian: Сове́тский район Tatar: Сове́т районы́) is a city district of Kazan, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. For other places with the same name, see Sovetsky District, Russia.

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